Grasshopper shop of concord

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Comfortable, affordable, easy to care for clothing and accessories full of color and texture.


The Grasshopper Shop of Concord is located at 36 Main Street in the heart of historic Concord, Massachusetts. Owned for over 30 years by the Bilodeau family, Grasshopper is filled with always changing colorful  clothing and accessories . We offer special items for women of all ages and style. We search for the latest fashions, great quality, lots of color and easy care. We have an ever-changing selection of clothing, quilted jackets, hats, jewelry, motif socks and more.


Winter season we carry lines like OleanaDale of NorwaySamii of Vermont and Icelandic.  Summer we come alive with habitat, Cut Loose, Salaam, Color Me Cotton and Wallaroo hats. Most customers commend us for our wonderful customer service, trusting, peaceful, friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Special-order accessories to match any special occasion; you name the quantity, preferred price and theme- and we do a special  search for your event. Twelve 1 inch flamingo pins, 6 sets of 22 mm pearl earring sets, 10 pairs of men's casino theme socks, you ask and we try to locate it! Grasshopper contributes to over 100 community organizations and has been a long time proud supporter of Dr. Paul Farmer's global health organization, Partners in Health. Grasshopper purchases their goods from US companies, and 29 of our designers make their lovely products in the USA. Call us at 978-369-8295.

Grasshopper Shop featured in Press

Atkins Shows Support for Local Businesses 
During Small Business Week

State Representative Cory Atkins showed her support for small, local businesses in Concord on Monday, May 21st, the first day of State House Small Business Week in Massachusetts. She visited local businesses to thank them for their contributions to the economy and to promote shopping local this summer.

“Small businesses are the backbone of the Commonwealth and the nation,” said Atkins. “That is why I am always delighted to spend money in my community. Also, shopping locally is more
fun because you go visiting while you shop. You reunite with members of the community, you see how they are doing, you nibble on their jelly beans, and you buy their products.”

She visited two businesses to thank them for their contributions to the economy and to promote shopping local this summer. “It was hard to choose just two businesses to visit, but this has been one of my favorite assignments,” said Atkins. “I am glad legislators were asked to do this.”

Atkins visited Grasshopper Shop, a women’s clothing and accessories boutique at 36 Main Street run by Rebecca Bilodeau and owned by the Bilodeau family for over 30 years. During her visit Atkins said “People are always asking me where I get my suit jackets because they are striking. I tell them the Grasshopper Shop, where the outdoor displays always beckon a would-be shopper to come in and see the latest styles. The Bilodeau sisters are more than helpful. There is not a friendlier place to shop for distinctive, affordable clothing.”


Come visit us at 36 Main St, Concord, MA or call us at 978-369-8295

Check us out on Facebook and Yelp!